if no one cares, there’s you

tel ୨ৎ
2 min readOct 9, 2024



There are moments in life when you feel like no one notices you. You might be surrounded by people, yet feel completely alone. It can be painful to think that nobody cares about what you’re going through. In these moments, the weight of loneliness feels heavy, and the world can seem quiet, like your voice doesn’t matter. But in that silence, there is one person who always hears you – yourself.

When no one is around to support you, the hardest but most important thing to remember is that you are still here. You are always there for yourself, even when it feels like no one else is. It may sound simple, but recognizing your own presence is powerful. You can be your own best friend, your own comfort, and your own strength.

It’s not easy to rely on yourself when all you want is for someone to be there for you. But think of the times you’ve made it through tough days. When things were hard, you found a way to keep going. That was you – your strength, your courage, your will to survive. You may have felt weak, but you showed up for yourself every single day.

Sometimes, the world won’t give you the love or care you deserve. People can disappoint you, friends can drift away, and even those closest to you may not always understand, and it will left you feeling drained. But in these moments, you can learn to give yourself the kindness and patience that others might not able to offer.

Choosing yourself when no one else seems to care isn’t about being selfish; it’s about survival. It’s about realizing that you are worthy of love, no matter what anyone else thinks. You deserve to feel safe within your own heart. And when you feel lost or alone, remember that you have yourself to rely on. You are the constant in your life, the one person who will always be there.

In the quiet moments, when the loneliness sinks in, remind yourself that you are enough. You don’t need others to define your worth. You are your own source of love, care, and compassion. Life is hard, and there will always be times when it feels like no one is there. But in those times, look within. There is strength in knowing that if no one cares, there’s you.

And you are more than enough.

