you’re not selfish for distancing yourself from people who drain you

tel ୨ৎ
2 min readJun 2, 2024


Run On (2020)

Have you ever found yourself feeling utterly exhausted, as if every interaction drains the very essence of your being? Have you ever wondered if it’s wrong to focus on your own needs when compared to the demands of relationships that leave you feeling drained? Do you ever question whether taking care of yourself is selfish when others expect you to always put them first?

In life, we meet all sorts of people—some who lift us up like rays of sunshine, and others who seem to suck the light out of our days. These people, they’re like black holes, pulling us into their orbit and leaving us feeling empty and lost.

The worst part is, we often feel guilty for feeling this way. We tell ourselves we should be stronger, and more resilient. But the truth is, no amount of inner strength can shield us from the draining effect of these people. They have a way of seeping into our souls, leaving us feeling empty and alone.

But what if I tell you, that it’s okay to let go of these people, even if it feels like we’re abandoning them? We are not responsible for fixing or saving them. Sometimes, holding on to toxic relationships only perpetuates our own suffering. By releasing ourselves from their grasp, we create space for growth, healing, and authentic connections. Letting go doesn’t mean we don’t care; it means we care enough about ourselves to choose happiness and inner peace. So, if someone is dragging you down, it’s okay to loosen their grip and walk away. You deserve to surround yourself with people who bring out the best in you, not drain you of your vitality.

Your feelings matter, your struggles are valid. Taking care of yourself is not just an option, but a necessity. Where taking time for yourself is healing, and showing kindness to yourself is crucial. You deserve compassion and understanding. Feel the warmth of acceptance embracing you like a comforting hug. You deserve love and happiness. Let go of any guilt weighing you down and listen to your inner voice.

“You are never selfish for deciding to put yourself first.”

Remember, we are not obligated to sacrifice our own well-being for the sake of others. It’s okay to prioritize our own. By freeing ourselves from the grip of draining people, we can reclaim our sense of self and step into the light once again.

